Friday, June 22, 2012


I started writing this post thinking I had something clever to say, and after a couple paragraphs, I had forgotten where I was going with it and it didn't seem to make any sense. Plus, it may have been offensive. So I guess I'll start over and maybe just stick with updates. Boring?

The fetus is the size of a lemon now. According to my weekly email update anyway.
If you saw my belly, you would disagree.
A cantalope maybe?

Last week, we had an adventurous visit to the Banner Gateway E.R.
My stomach pain was getting worse and I hadn't kept food or water down for more than 48 hours.
After blood tests and an ultrasound, everything looked fine.
They gave me pain medication through an i.v., which was pretty much the greatest thing I have ever felt. I finally know what it's like to be high. Trust me, I won't go looking for intravenous drugs, but it was pretty fantastic, and I can see why people do. Poor Jason. He didn't get any.
They let me rest for a while and then sent me home. When they told me I was being discharged, I cried. I FINALLY had some relief and I knew I was going home just to continue to feel miserable. I wanted to stay there. At least until I stopped throwing up.
On the way out of the hospital I was still throwing up the ice chips I had been eating, but they told me there was nothing else they could do and I needed to go see a gastroenterologist the next day.

So I did.
I still hadn't kept any food or water down, and it was going on 3 days. I was tired. And hungry. And weak. And frustrated because I was STILL sick. I had lost 4 pounds in three days.
It felt like the worst case of food poisoning ever and I did not want to go one more day like that.
As the doctor asked me to describe my symptoms, I totally broke down. I was a sobbing mess.
Which has become a common sight around here. Poor Jason.
My OB and the E.R. doctor had told me it was just severe acid reflux, but after talking to the G.I. doc, she assured me that this was definitely not acid reflux.
Because there is a person growing in my uterus, the normal tests they would do in my case, they can't.
They can't put me to sleep and put a scope down my throat.
And I can't drink radioactive juice and get pictures taken of my insides.
So... it's trial and error until my symptoms are gone or until the baby is out when they can go ahead with the tests.
Ummm... what?
Am I delirious because I haven't eaten in three days or did you just say until the baby is born?
I cried again.
She assured me she was going to help me and get me out of this misery.
She said she thought it could be ulcers on my galbladder.
So she gave me some medicine for that and some medicine for the vomiting.
Which worked. During the day.
But I was still sick at night. Lying in the fetal position on the bathroom floor, moaning in pain and throwing up. Poor Jason. He really hates the moaning.
I went back to the G.I. doctor this week.
She gave me some medicine for evening and told me to come back in a week.
I may have to be seeing her as regularly as my OB the next 6 months and then maybe a lot after that.
But the medicines are working, and I am finally out of pain. Still a little sick at night, but not fetal position, moaning sick, so I am grateful. And so is Jason. Especially for the moaning.

Let's focus on the positive now shall we?
Here are some life is good reminders:

1.  We find out what we are having on the 30th.
We have taken bets.
I think it's a boy.
Jason thinks it's a girl.
If I win and it IS a boy, he has to take me to a ballet. Poor Jason.
If he wins and it's a girl, we still don't know because he's still thinking about it.

2. Our sealing is fast approaching. It's about dang time!

3. I legally changed my name. Yes, I waited eleven months. Poor Jason.  I guess my wagon is officially hitched to his. Again, it's about dang time.

4. My birthday is in 18 days, and as most of you know, after Christmas, it's my favorite day of the year.

Four happy notes.
That's what I shall leave you with today.
And one super cute picture of Camden.
You are welcome.

1 comment:

  1. I think it's awesome you are taking some initiative and making sure the docs take care of you and baby. I wish I'd been more assertive in my first 2 pregnancies. It's amazing what medicine can do!! I'm gonna put my official guess in as girl. Can't wait to see you guys!
