Wednesday, November 13, 2013


Well it's November.
The month of thanks. 
Except, well, I guess I forgot about that.

The last couple weeks I have really struggled with myself, but it wasn't anything I could really put my finger on. I didn't know what was making me feel so lousy and then a particular incident happened that sent me in a downward spiral. 
I was losing my faith in humanity. 
In parenthood. 
In life really. 

And I was angry.
I was angry with the wounds that haven't healed.
I was angry at how much those wounds have changed who I am today,
the things I worry about, the things I lose sleep over.
I was angry at the person who inflicted them.
I was angry that those scars place a burden on my husband, that he must co-exist with such baggage.
I wondered who I would be without those scars. Am I better because of them?
Or bitter?

I felt like I was fighting a battle I would never win. A battle against myself, against the 'natural man', against the world, against Satan. Why bother trying if I can't succeed anyway?
I felt completely and utterly deflated.

And then I thought about flying.
{Just wait, I'll explain}
You know when you are about to take off and the flight crew reviews the safety procedures?
If you experience a change in cabin pressure, the masks drop down.
You must first put on your own mask, and then help those around you.
Aircraft safety 101.
Well doi!
There's my problem.
How am I supposed to be successful at helping, nurturing, teaching my family if I am not first helping myself? How can I protect them from the 'natural man' if I cannot first protect myself? 
And also, here's the truth:
Someone will always be better than me. Someone will be prettier, and skinnier and have cuter clothes. 
Someone's kids' will always be more well behaved than mine. 
Someone will always have the bigger house.
Someone will always be better.
And that's not what matters anyway, so get over it.

My thoughts, my actions, my life needs to be centered on the only stable and constant thing in this life, the Savior.
My faith in and love for Him will be what protects me. What keeps me alive and breathing. Only then, can I save those around me. Most importantly, my children. 

So now my journey begins. 
For 21 days, I will be challenging myself to grow closer to the Savior.
I will be sharing my progress and thoughts here, so feel free to check back if you'd like.
If not, I'll see ya in three weeks. :)

I hope to gain a stronger testimony and pray that the Spirit will guide me in the direction I need to travel to find myself closer to Christ. I hope to feel the love my Savior and my Heavenly Father has for me, that I might see myself through their eyes, through Jason's eyes, through my friends and family's eyes.
I hope those wounds heal just a little bit more, and most of all,
 I hope to restore my faith in humanity. 
In parenthood. 
In life.


  1. I had a similar ah ha moment. I recently left social media. I still read family blogs and a few crafty ones, but my world has changed. I am so much more in tune to the Spirit, my husband, and Emmalynn. I am not getting depressed during the day as I am not seeing things that make me feel inferior, or feel like I have to do this or that to have the perfect home/family/image. The comparing just isn't there, nor is the negativity. I have time for exercising and personal reading, and scripture study...imagine that! I am happier, and I have lost 15 pounds! I know realistically not everyone can or wants to say goodbye to Facebook and Instagram, but for me it was the answer.

  2. Also, I just wanted to point out that times have changed. Our mothers and generations before didn't have social media and therefore they didn't get bogged down with so much outside influences. They raised their families and focused on their relationships. I find it funny that I was so worried about being friends with people from my past and then when I really thought about it I realized that reconnecting wasn't really helping me be a better wife or mother. I was multiplying my anxiety by seeing what everyone was cooking, creating, decorating, and wearing. I was looking to others for parenting and complaining. It seems silly now, but since signing off, I feel a weight lifted. Don't get me wrong, I still Pinterest for things, but it's a healthier way for me. the soap box! Good luck!

    1. Deneigh, I have gone through similar experiences in my first marriage, and stopped blogging and FB for a long time. And I still sometimes feel this way about pinterest. My problem now is that I compare myself/my life to people I am in personal contact with on a daily basis. My friends, my neighbors. But I totally agree about our mothers not having all these outside influences pressuring us to look, cook, decorate a certain way!! I have blogged about this a few times actually! Thank you for your comment and by the way, ummm YOU GO GIRL on losing 15 pounds! Seriously, what a rock star!
