Thursday, December 15, 2011


Okay, last September post! Whew!
During our CA trip, we went to Disneyland.
Here's what I learned:
In our family, kids between the ages of 2 years and 6 years old will NOT be allowed to go to Disneyland.
We took Camden to Disneyland when he was about 20 or so months and it was a breeze! He was so good, slept in the stroller when he was tired, and seemed to enjoy the day. Maybe because he didn't really understand what was going on.
This time... not so much.
He was a total crab monster and we had quite a few melt downs that day. He could not understand the concept of waiting in line. Two and half year olds are just not patient. Who knew??
So Jason and I decided to make it a household rule that children will only be allowed to go to Disneyland after they are six. Although I'm sure six year olds still have melt downs now and then.
Most of these pictures are on FB, but in case you didn't see them, here they are.

First ride of the day. (Still happy)

Captain EO. Still as good as it was in 1993.

First trip to Disneyland together

The only "character" we got to see that day. Camden didn't care though, he was still pretty excited about this one

Okay. Now on to October!

1 comment:

  1. Amen. Disneyland is way overrated anyway. I think our rule might be 26.
