Friday, June 14, 2013

King of Wishful Thinking

The diary of the DeWitt's is a bit boring it seems. 
My apologies. 
Nothing really exciting happens to us I guess. And I'm not one of those people that can conjure up a little wit and make something out of nothing. 
Motherhood can be funny sure, but mostly, it's like groundhog day. 
Wake up at the same time, feed your kids the same cereal, do the same chores, say the same disciplinary phrases, make the same amount of bottles. 
And sure, marriage is fun. 
Jason sometimes makes me laugh so hard my stomach hurts. But then again, I think we're the only ones that think our jokes are funny. 
{At least we make each other laugh}
 If I could somehow transform my every day life into worth while reading, I certainly would, you betcha. If I could take amazing photographs of my everyday life, I certainly would.
But alas, I am no writer. And I am no photographer. 

What I CAN do, is give you updates!
Don't seem so excited...

Our house has sold! What a ginormous blessing!
The buyers want a June 28th close date, so it looks like we'll be saying goodbye to our first home in just a couple weeks. 
Will it be sad?
Yes. But only a little.

Our new home is still under construction and as of yesterday, the concrete has been poured!
They are still estimating that it will be done in September as long as the weather cooperates.

Camden will be gone for 10 DAYS! My heart will be a little broken until he is home again safe and sound. The night before he left, I had a nervous breakdown.
I cried. 
I tried to seek comfort from my sleeping husband, but a kiss on the forehead was all he could muster up at such a late hour. 
So I went and got in bed with Camden. I held his hand and quietly cried. I didn't want him to go.
Ten days is too long. 
I was overcome with anxiety thinking about everything that could go wrong. 
And then, with a giant exhale, he rolled over and put his arm over me, still asleep, but somehow knowing I was there. 
He's my soulmate. 

It's been so quiet here without him. And I don't mean that in a good way.
No one to run circles around Navy while shouting nonsense.
No one to jump off the couch making superhero sounds.
No one to ask, "Mom, will you play with me?"
I don't like the quiet.
I want tantrums, and time outs, and laughter and words of affirmation to his sister.
I want the silliness. 
I want 4:30 Camden. 
I want groundhog day!

What will I do this week?!
It is already so B O R I N G and it has only been 24 hours.
Yes, I know, I should be grateful for a quiet house and loads of free time,
but I'm not. 
(Anxiety remember?)
I blame my mother. 
She is quite the worrier,
And has instilled this quality in me. 
Thanks mom!

It's true, that I have a whole house to pack and I SHOULD take advantage of doing so 'preschooler free'. And I probably will by day 6 or 7 when the boredom has driven me bonkers. 
Oh, and if you're going to suggest that I go shopping to pass the time, don't. 
I am on a strict shopping diet these days. 
(New house remember?)

Moving on!
 This little lovie is six months old now. 
I feel like she was just a fetus!
A little starfish in my uterus, and now she's here,
and sitting up all by herself.
 She is always full of smiles, especially for mommy.
Which breaks Daddy's heart a little. 
If this girl plays her cards right, all she'll have to do is show a little favoritism toward Mom, and Daddy will give her whatever she wants. 

She's been doing this with her Papa since she was 3 months old. 
Don't worry, I'll have her on a balance beam in no time! 
Do they make leotards for babies?

 June 5th marked the two year anniversary of our engagement.
To celebrate, we drove to the place where the magic happened.
Two years ago, we drove to this spot. 
We parked under this tree.

We listened to music and looked at the stars.
We slow danced. 
We talked about how we could see the Gila Valley temple in the distance.
We talked about how we had picked a perfect location to call our "spot"
We talked about our past "spots" with past people 
They will never be as magic as this one we agreed
And we were right.
Because this is the place where he put a ring on it.
 We tried to estimate the exact spot and thought this was pretty close.
Can you feel the love?!

So anyway, if any of you wishes to alleviate my boredom next week, 
please, feel free to come over. Or invite me to lunch.

9 days and counting!

1 comment:

  1. Oh, my....I'm so missing Camden right now too! It is a different kind of miss. I do miss having the Brian DeWitt family nearby and readily available to visit, but under 'conditions' that need to be met, we have to abide by their 'awayness'. But for Camden to be gone and I can't call because I feel a bit weird, its sad, really sad! How many days now?
